What is this shit?


First off, welcome to NoBullshitRecipes.com! And thanks for taking the time to read my irate ramblings. I’d like to take a moment (I say while throwing around a wall of text) to explain myself.

Like many other folks out there I love grabbing recipes from random sites, there’s some really awesome stuff out there that’s worth trying, from people that put in way more time and effort than I have. Though I feel that many are starting to lose their way…. Let me explain:

I recently found that I was getting more and more frustrated with the bullshit format that nearly all recipe sites use (You know the one…), so I started my own digital recipe book. This way I could save the things I liked, edit in my own tweaks and most importantly, not have to go digging through someone’s fucking life story (Kinda like what I’m doing now, but at least I’m not hiding your recipe behind it!).

I started just with notepad++, I use it a hell of a lot but as you can imagine it just doesn’t suffice for recipes (Though it strips webformatting nicely). I then moved over to using Evernote and though it’s good, I just couldn’t get into it. Next up was MS OneNote, I use this a lot at work and it did most things I wanted until it was time to share the recipes or access them on mobile while in the kitchen. I moved it to cloud storage but despite being stored online, it was a ballache to share with the less technically minded (Like my mam…).

While lurking Reddit (I don’t post, but love the content and spend a lot of my free time there) I found this post and that was it. I went off on a rant to my other half (Quite common really, I’m surprised she puts up with my raging to be fair) which ended in me saying fuck it, I’ll build my own fucking site…. (No blackjack or hookers though cause hosting providers don’t like that).

And here we are. I’d like to say that all of these recipes are of my own creation, but that would be a lie. I’m more than happy and willing to give credit where it’s due though, so feel free to let me know if I’ve missed it off a recipe. Chances are I forgot where I found it to be honest, so if you know, call it out and I’ll update. I also plan on having user submissions, so if you have a recipe to share I’ll do my best to accommodate and add it to the site.

I’m not saying that all of the other sites are doing it wrong, I’m not aiming to put anyone down or steal your hard work. I aim to provide recipes, without the bullshit… I’m lying there might be some bullshit, but I will keep it to a designated bullshit area where it will always be completely optional to read, the way it should be.

Because as funny as it is, this shit is not on anymore:



  1. We were just talking about making a website exactly this in my kitchen. We were even going to call it the same thing. I found your site because I checked domain availability. πŸ™‚ you’re awesome.

  2. Thanks! It’s all down to SEO and generating ad revenue so I completely understand why. I just hate life stories when I’m trying to make fecking dinner. You’re more than welcome to submit any recipes, they will be credited to you and kept online for the foreseeable future πŸ™‚

  3. Typed in no bullshit just recipes into google. Thanks for the page . So tired of an 8 pg explanation, 20 adds. Can’t trust Pinterest anymore either.

  4. Your site stopped me from berserk rage. A cooking site actually about cooking. Thank you Stef, keep it up!

    • Appreciate the feedback, though not a separate site I’ve added a category for Baking & Desserts under the Recipes menu, should filter all sweet recipes.

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